集团自90年代初成立以来,历经近三十年的发展逐渐积累形成了自己的专业的销售网络,在国内汽车配件行业名列前茅。我们坚信,改变是唯一的永恒,创新才是持续发展的动力,我们执着追求“敬业守信,稳健发展”。从当初小规模经营,年销售仅几十万发展到现在拥有几十家公司成长为年销售额达数亿的汽配销售连锁机构,公司正式员工有近三百多人,其中大专学历的占到45%,员工年龄在35岁以下的年轻人为主,公司以高度的敏感和正确的商业直觉为亚新制定了多品牌车系全车件为主线的发展基调。 集团秉持一切以客户需求为导向,以员工为依托,进一步完善管理,强化极致服务理念。同时稳健发展销售网点,为员工搭建创业平台,融合线上线下销售,积极拥抱汽车后市场的互联网创新模式。我们将积极应对和努力转型到这一新的发展领域中来!通过加强与中欧、中美的优秀品牌、厂商合作,走国际化大品牌密切合作的发展方向。
Hangzhou Carefully Engine Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was Founded in November 11st, 2011. Steven Sun care mostly about quality and performace. His consistent good quality heads make customers trust and respect him.
武汉飞拓达汽车精密部件有限公司成立于2022年,注册资本1000万元, 位于中国车都武汉经济技术开发区。本公司在武汉,上海、苏州、湖南 等地合作有20000平生产基地,供应和服务国内外几十家不同领域客户。 公司控股集团拥有20年以上汽车行业模具设计开发制造以及汽车零部件的生产销售经验,为满足客户需求以及公司的发展壮大保驾护航。主营业务:汽车行业紧固件、五金件、电子元器件等。
创始人张淳龙于2004年至2008年间就职于日本CMC;任CMC企划部部长,为广汽丰田、华晨宝马、上海大众等世界500强企业提供特许经销商销售及售后业务标准、产品上市培训、客户满意度提升等咨询和人才培训服务。2010年与CMC同事内田泰夫共同创立了“Henschel 喜赛力”,是一家集研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的创新型高科技企业。 专业从事汽车养护品行业13年。期间通过了:近20项专利认证、ISO9001:2015质量体系认证、创新型企业认证和高新技术企业认证;秉承日本最高服务精神理念和采纳全球最先进的汽车技术,致力于建立汽车4S店售后养护服务新标准。
Rupur is a PPF and window film brand that initially launched in China since 2020 and went global on 2023 SEMA show. With a humble start of extruding TPU base film and supplying to major coating plants all over the world, we have accumulated much knowledge of how to produce film with excellent performance as well as endurable quality.
Chiplight Technology (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise, positioned as a professional power supply and lighting control overall solution provider. We focus on automotive power management, green LED lighting driver, IoT intelligent control chip, and system development. With continuous innovation as the core competitiveness, we are dedicated to create a leading brand in the field of solid state lighting, becoming an internationally influential chip and solution provider, for the target of “dream of technologist, benchmark of semiconductors.”
TIANTAI SENMU AUTO ACCESSORIES CO.,LTD was founded in 2016. The company headquarters is located in —— Tiantai County, the center of the largest automotive supplies production base in China. Is specialized in automotive supplies research and development, production and sales of enterprises. The company's main products are car seat covers, seat cushion, steering wheel covers and other fashion varieties. In line with the new concept of creating benefits for the society, create value for customers, create prosperity for the company and create prospects for employees, Senmu promotes the company to develop into a modern enterprise with international competitiveness. Sincerely welcome customers to age.
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